How to retarget your Twitter visitors with Facebook ads
Think about how many social media platforms you're currently on. Is it two? Three? Maybe even more?
And how often do you find yourself switching between them in a day?
Now imagine how often your potential customers are doing the same thing.
That's why it's important to be able to reach them with your advertising on any platform, so you can be sure your message is getting across to the people who need to see it.
In this easy 6 step guide, we'll be showing you how to use PixelMe to gather a Facebook retargeting audience on Twitter.
Some things you'll need:
- A PixelMe free trial
- A Twitter ads account
- A Facebook ads account + Facebook pixel. If you haven't got a pixel set up yet, follow these guidelines.
- A little bit of patience 😉.
If you'd rather watch a video tutorial, you can find one here!
Step 1: Connect your Facebook pixel to your PixelMe account.
To make sure we can retarget users on Facebook, we'll need to add a Facebook pixel to our account.
Sign in to Facebook Ads and if you're not automatically redirected to the Events manager, navigate to there. Copy the Pixel ID of the pixel you'd like to use.
Tap the Audience Builder icon 🔗 in the left-hand menu. Then, select "Settings" at the top to get to the Pixels tab to create a new pixel. Take your Facebook ID and paste it there! Make sure you give it a name that will help you identify it later.
Step 2: Shorten your Twitter link on PixelMe
When you've added your Facebook pixel, you can now use it when you go to create your link. Let's say I want to promote my handmade flower watercolor painting business. 🌸
I'll first use the link to the page where my potential customers can buy my watercolours, and put that as the destination URL. Then, I'll fill in the rest of my link specifications according to what I need. The most important part is to add my Facebook retargeting pixel!
Step 3: Create your Twitter ad
Now, let's copy that link and set up the Twitter ad we're going to use to gather our audience.
There are a few different options for creating Twitter ads. You can either create Promoted-only tweets, which won't show up in your timeline but will be promoted, or you can promote a Tweet you already wrote. You also have the option to create a 'Card', which will show up underneath your tweet as a clickable image, or you can just Tweet normally.
For this tutorial, we'll be creating a new, Promoted-only tweet, but we'll show you the Cards and the regular option.
For the regular option:
Head over to your Twitter ads account, and press 'Creatives → Tweets'.
Press 'New Tweet' in the upper right hand corner. This will open up a Tweet creation module, in which you can create a new Tweet with any content you'd like. The important thing for this Tweet is that you use the PixelMe URL you just created! For example:
Now, all you need to do is Tweet out the Promoted-only post (or schedule it), and go to Step 4.
For the Cards option:
Go to 'Creatives → Cards', and press the 'Create cards' option in the top right corner. Select the Website card option.
Set up your card with an image and message you'd like to have promoted. The message will be shown underneath the card, and the link should be your PixelMe URL!
Save the card, and go to 'Creatives → Tweets' and press 'New Tweet' in the top right corner. Now, you can create a Tweet that you'd like to have as your ad, and you should be able to select the card you just made under the 'Select Card' option.
Write your Tweet with the content you'd like to have as the ad, then Tweet or schedule your post.
Note: if you'd like, you can also add the PixelMe URL in the Tweet itself, just in case you're worried the audience won't know to click the card. It's up to you!
Step 4: Launch your ad on Twitter
Now it's time to set up your ad. Go to your campaigns tab, and set up a new campaign by clicking the 'create campaign' button in the top right corner.
Set up your campaign how you'd like to have it, it's going to be different per ad. When you get to choosing the 'Creatives' portion, you should have the option to select the Tweet you just created (depending on if you scheduled it or Tweeted it, it will either be under "Promoted-only" or "Scheduled Tweets"). Select your Tweet, launch the ad, and you're done!
(Here you can see my two options - one using the Card, and one without)
Step 5: Create your retargeting audience on Facebook
Now, you want to give your campaign a few days to gather some clicks. Once you've got a pretty good sized audience (we recommend over 200 people, but more is always better!), you can set up your Facebook retargeting audience!
Go to your Facebook ad manager, then navigate to your Event Manager. You should see the pixel you used to create the link you shared in your Tweet. Select that pixel.
When you're in the Pixel activity screen, you can select 'Create Audience → Custom audience' to continue.
In the audience creation module, set the URL option to 'People who visited specific web pages' 'equals' and add the shortened URL you used in your Twitter Ad. Save that audience with a name you'll recognize later.
Now it's time to set up the ad!
Step 6: Launch Facebook ad & see your results!
Navigate to your Ads Manager, and press the 'Create' button on the page. Just like with Twitter, you can set up this ad however you'd like. However, once you get to the 'Audience section', you're can now select the audience you just created!
That's all! Now, you're ready to launch your ultra-targeted Facebook ad, based on people who already showed interest in your products before! 🎉
If you'd like to give it a try for yourself, free of charge, just sign up for our 7 day free trial.